Whenever an S.id link leads to a page that says "Forbidden," the accessed link contains content violating applicable laws.
Remember that S.id is a link shortening and microsite service, and any S.id user can create customizable S.id links. If you encounter this issue, we recommend contacting the party who shared the S.id link to verify that the link's content does not violate applicable laws.
Never use the S.id service to distribute abusive, harmful, or illegal content.
You are prohibited from using the S.id service to distribute or promote the following types of content (including but not limited to text, images, video, and audio):
Content that attacks individuals or groups based on race, gender, ethnicity, national origin, immigration status, religion, gender or gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or medical condition, and any content that promotes organizations with such views.
Content that exploits children.
Misinformation, including but not limited to medical or civil misinformation.
Content that threatens, encourages or promotes violence or graphic images.
Sexually explicit or intimate content is shared without the subject's consent.
Any content that glorifies or promotes self-harm or endangers your safety or that of others.
Any content that promotes terrorism.
Other illegal content.
Never engage in abusive, dangerous, or illegal behavior.
You are prohibited from using the S.id service to engage in the following types of behavior:
Distribute malware, viruses, badware, or other types of intrusive software
Engaging in phishing, spoofing, hacking, or other attempts to gain access to someone's information fraudulently.
Sending bulk commercial or SMA emails (i.e., spam).
Avoiding the S.id system to avoid detection of abuse described in the S.id terms.
Sharing someone's personal information without their consent (i.e., doxxing).
Threatening violence or hurting others.
Bullying, harassment, or coordinated online attacks target individuals or groups.
Impersonate others or describe your affiliation with any other person, organization, or entity.
Facilitating illegal activities such as the sale of prohibited goods and/or services.
Infringe the intellectual property of another person or entity.